2025 Town Brush Pick Up Begins
The beginning of brush pickup will be March 17!
Brush will be picked up every 3rd Monday of the months of March, April, May and June. (July & August there will not be brush pick up.) We’ll continue in September, October, and November.
Please have it out by 7AM.
No roots stumps or limbs larger than 8″ in diameter. Brush must be piled neatly with cut ends toward the road. There will be no return trips to pick up brush.
Residents can also include brush in their garbage collection. It must be bundled, tied, cut in to 4ft. lengths and no more than 50 lbs. in weight.
LEAF PICK UP: leaves are only picked up in areas with gutter curbs; if your road does not have gutter curbs, you will have to bag them for garbage pickup or mulch them.
Click here for details (PDF)