Building Department
The Town of Lockport Building Department administers and enforces regulations pertaining to the use of property and the construction of structures. As such its primary function is to insure health and safety through enforcements of federal, state and municipal regulations. These regulations are used to establish minimum standards of town development, ensure safety of use, protect property values and assist in the overall design and progressive growth of the community. Development plans are submitted and reviewed for consistency with regulations in accordance with established procedures. The Building Department also serves as Fire Marshall for the Town and responds to structure fires to assist the Fire Department command staff. The Town Building staff conduct property inspections based on citizen complaints and happily assists and explains code regulations to permit applicants.
Our goal is that Developers and citizens are well informed to promote compliance with the regulations. Once plan review and approvals are final, permits are issued to allow construction or alterations to proceed. Field visits and scheduled inspections are conducted to monitor conformance during various stages of construction with approved plans. Final compliance inspections signal the end of the construction process for new or renovated projects. Occupancy permits are then issued and forwarded to the Assessor’s office.

All inspectors are New York State certified. Our range of duties is varied and covers a wide range of disciplines. Developers, builders, and residents are encouraged to contact us regarding the planning of projects. Pre-project planning and communication makes for a better development project product.
The Building Department requires permits for many projects. If you are unsure of whether your project requires a permit, what is needed before you begin, what is permissible in the Town’s various zoning districts or what your property is zoned, we welcome you to call and ask! We will be happy to walk you through the process and answer any questions that you may have. This page also includes a link to the Town Zoning Codes (see Town Codes).
Permits are required for the following:
Single Family Homes
Small building permit (pdf), Site Plan Review (pdf)
- A Site Plan Review must be submitted with permit
- Contractor must have Liability Insurance and Workers Compensation on file with the Town Building Department
- Copy of survey of property indicating where the house will be placed
- Blue Prints showing Elevations, Floor Plans and Cross-Sections. Plans must have an engineer or architects seal with NYS Energy Code work sheet. Architects (pdf)
- Sewer and water cards filled out
- Septic Dye Test
- Sewage Requirements
Small building permit (pdf)
- Sheds 144 sq ft or less do not require a building permit
- Smaller than 168 square feet must be set back 5 feet from property line
- Larger than 168 square feet must be set back 10 feet from the property line
- Copy of survey of property indicating where the shed will be placed

Patios, Decks and additions
Small building permit (pdf)
- Call for details
Roofing and Siding
Roofing and Siding Permit (pdf)
- Contractor must have Liability Insurance and Workers Compensation on file with the Town Building Department
Above ground, in-ground pools and hot tubs – Pool Permit (pdf)
- BEFORE A PERMIT is issued, you must have an appointment with an electrical inspector. Electrical Inspectors (pdf)
- Contractor must have Liability Insurance and Workers Compensation on file with the Town Building Department
- Copy of survey of property indicating where the pool will be placed
- Set back 10 feet from all structures
Generator Permit (pdf)
- May be placed in the side yard or back yard only
- Copy of survey of property indicating where the generator will be placed
- Contractor must have Liability Insurance and Workers Compensation on file with the Town Building Department
- Copy of Manufacturer’s installation instructions must be submitted with permit
Understanding of Ordinances and Regulations
Additionally, the department assists residents and developers to understand ordinances and regulations which affect development, construction and properties in the Town of Lockport in the following ways:
- Zoning Issues
- Industrial Development
- Building and Fire Protection
- Property Complaints
- Flood Plain
- Fire Inspections
- Wetlands
- Fire Board

Building Department Forms
Residential Permits
- Building Permit for Small Projects (pdf) – Sheds, additions, decks, porches, single family homes, etc.)
- Architects (pdf)
- Pool Permit (pdf)
- Electrical Inspectors (pdf)
- Roofing Permit (pdf)
- Generator Permit (pdf)
- Residential Front Yard Pipe Permit (pdf)
- Septic Dye Test
- Sewage Requirements
- Woodstove Safety
Special Use Permits
- Special Use Permit for Solar Energy Systems (pdf)
- Solar Energy Systems Law (pdf)
- Special Use Permit for Noncommercial Wind Energy Conversions Systems (pdf)
- Noncommercial Wind Energy Conversions Systems Law (pdf)
- Special Events (pdf)
Commercial Building Permits & Documents
- Sign Permit – Application (pdf)
- Commercial Construction Application (pdf)
- Public Improvement Construction Permit – Application (pdf)
- Large Project – Application / Checklist (pdf)
(large projects and subdivisions)
FEMA Forms, Town of Lockport
- FEMA Flood Map Update 2009 (pdf)
- Elevation Certificate and Instructions (pdf)
- Adoption of Flood Insurance Rate Maps by Participating Communities (pdf)
- National Flood Insurance Myths and Facts (pdf)
- How Flood Insurance Works (pdf)
- Frequently Asked Questions regarding the effect that revised flood hazards have on existing structure (pdf)
- Appeals and Protests to Flood Insurance Rate Maps (pdf)
- Appeals and Protests Supporting Data and Documentation (pdf)

Senior Building Inspector
Brian Belson
Deputy Inspector
Brian Fineberg
Fire Marshall
Brian Belson
6200 Robinson Rd
Lockport, NY 14094
Phone: 716.439.9527
Fax: 716.439.9532
Email Us >>
Monday through Friday
8am to 4:30pm