Online Payments
The Town of Lockport utilizes a third party to facilitate online payments for select Town fees and charges. There are certain fees charged (2.5% of payment and an additional .65cents/transaction) in addition to your payment for the convenience of this option.
Pay Property Tax & Utility Bills
Niagara County Property Taxes and Town special district taxes (fire, garbage etc) are always due on January 31st. The option to pay property tax bills online is live from January 1 through March 31st only.
The Town of Lockport invoices Residential and Commercial customers 4 times /year for water and or sewer usage. You can pay these utility fees online using the utility bill link if you have a current bill due.
Defendants whom have had cases adjudicated in the Town Court system are able to pay fees online. You must know the name of the judge you appeared in front of and your case docket number to be able to pay online. Deadlines of when fees are owed is provided by the court.
** Certain Fees May Apply **
View/Print Property Tax Bills & Receipts
View/Print Property Tax Bills & Receipts
Residents interested in viewing and printing a copy of their property tax bill and a record of payment can click on the Real Property link, insert your address and select details and then the Print Tax bill command in the navigation bar.

Town of Lockport, NY
** Certain Fees May Apply **