Household Hazardous Waste & Paint Recycling Event
Niagara County and the Town of Lockport are teaming up to host a combination of household hazardous waste and paint recycling event on Saturday, July 13, from 9 am to 12 pm at the Highway Garage located at 6560 Dysinger Road.
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE AND PAINT that will be available one month prior to event.
Household Hazardous Waste:
- Residents are encouraged to bring paint and unwanted cleaners, chemical and automotive fluids to the event.
- Simply go to www.rethinkyourwaste.com/events and scroll down to the Town of Lockport event. (There is a list of items that will be accepted posted on that site)
The County also offers free vouchers for those who wish to take their waste to the Hazman disposal facility in the City of Tonwanda.
Information and registration can be found at the link above or send an email to recycling@niagaracounty.com.