Town of Lockport Historical Society
The Historical Society is based out of the 1873 Pomeroy School, also known as the Hickory Corners School.
Mission: To share historical information and encourage interest in the past by holding educational meetings, discussions, and tours, and by publishing historical materials for the citizens of Niagara County, New York in cooperation with local governments and related historical groups.
Membership: Any person interested in the history of the Town of Lockport who applies for membership and who tenders the necessary dues shall hereby become a member.
Board 2022-2023
President: Meagan Chapman
Vice-President: Jim Boles
Treasurer: Dianne Doherty
Secretary: Chelsea Chapman
Board Members: Nancy Brooks, Linda Hatswell, Caitlin Kenney, Jean Linn, Ty Renouf, Paula Siejak, and Bob Wilk.
Become a member today! Click here to join!

Town of Lockport Historical Society
5331 Lower Mountain Rd*
Lockport, NY 14094
*Note: address above is for directional purposes.
Mailing address is:
Town of Lockport / Historical Society
6560 Dysinger Rd
Lockport, NY 14094

In 2024, the Town will be celebrating its 200th anniversary.
Lockport was formally established on February 2, 1824. There were, however, settlers much earlier. It is said Adam Strouse built the first cabin in Lockport at Cold Spring in 1802. It was a shelter for the mail carrier who travelled between Batavia and Fort Niagara. Shortly thereafter, Charles Wilbur built a tavern for weary travelers.
Lockport’s formation is intertwined with the Erie Canal. When the exact route of the Canal was determined, a village began to develop in what is now the City of Lockport. Jesse P. Haines surveyed the area, beginning to map lots. With the village quickly progressing, it needed a name. Inspired by the elaborate set of locks which were to be constructed, Haines suggested the name Locksborough for this new village. Dr. Isaac Smith countered with the name Lockport. Residents discussed the names and, unsurprisingly to those of us today, they chose the name Lockport.
Construction of the flight of five locks began in 1821. Lockport had a name and a purpose, but it was not officially incorporated as a municipality yet.
In the Journal of the Assembly of the State of New York, Forty-Seventh Session, January 1824, it was claimed that “the sundry inhabitants of Cambria and Royalton [are] praying for the erection of a town by the name of Lockport.” Their prayers were answered. On February 2, 1824, the town of Lockport was officially established from the eastern section of Cambria and western portion of Royalton.
The first town meeting occurred on the first Tuesday in April of that year at the home of Michael D. Mann; Daniel Washburn was elected supervisor.
The town’s growth was also connected with the Canal. Tolls were charged for passage through the locks, which resulted in a significant income for the town each year. In addition, harnessing hydropower from the locks propelled the economy. The locks powered a variety of early industries. The first to take advantage were Jabez Pomroy and William Bass who built a carding mill and Lyman Spalding who constructed a saw mill. The following year, Spalding erected a grist mill.
The city of Lockport was organized on April 11, 1865, becoming the first city in Niagara County. It was formed from the town of Lockport, essentially plucked from the center of town.
The town and its industries have continued to evolve. In 1984, the Lockport Industrial Development Agency established the Lockport Industrial Park. Its largest business currently is the Verizon Media/Yahoo complex. From saw mills to data centers, Lockport continues to transform.
We are planning for the town’s bicentennial which kicks off in just a couple years. In order to make this the grandest celebration the town has ever seen, we would love to hear from you. What are your favorite memories of Lockport? Are there stories passed down by your family about the town or its residents? Do you have photographs, documents, or artifacts you would be willing to donate or loan?
If you would like to get involved or have information to share, please reach out to Town Councilperson Paul Siejak at /716-478-0623 or Town Historian Jean Linn at / 716-438-2159.
Stay tuned as we update this page with upcoming events for 2024!

Town of Lockport, NY
** Certain Fees May Apply **